2010年11月24日 星期三

十月燒未出現 冬茶採收製茶延後

來源: 自由時報電子報http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2010/new/nov/23/today-north20.htm





2010年11月16日 星期二

2010年 魚池紅茶季

魚池紅茶季 紅茶故鄉任遨遊

引用自 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/101114/11/2gzf3.html



2010年11月11日 星期四


引用自:雅虎奇摩新聞 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/101106/51/2gezz.html

屏東台糖黃菊茶 抽驗出殘留農藥

更新日期:2010/11/06 22:15
近年來花草茶大為流行,不少民眾都會喝花草茶來養生,不過衛生署公布10月抽檢市售農產品殘留農藥檢驗結果,發現108件產品中有 15件不合格,其中、在屏東台糖量販店販售的散裝黃菊花茶,竟查出禁用的琉敵克農藥,高達4點42ppm,超出標準的九倍,衛生署已經要求廠商立刻下架。

************************************************************************************茶葉是我們習慣的飲品, 茶飲料具有的保健功效早已深植我們心中, 原本喝茶應是一件既健康又享受的美事, 但類似像上面篇幅的報導卻屢屢出現在媒體報章上, 讓我們不得不正視這樣的問題會對身體健康帶來的影響
台灣的農業技術一向是我們引以為傲的, 但農藥的使用量與使用種類卻讓我們感到憂心, 農民因為病蟲害嚴重而過量或不當的使用農藥 , 影響的不僅是自己 也影響的消費者的健康 針對此問題 不僅是主管單位應該用心稽查 更應該油根本做起 宣導推廣正確的農藥使用方式給栽種者與頻率 雙管齊下才可解決農藥殘留問題

2010年7月8日 星期四



1. 東方美人茶之所以被稱為 膨風茶,是相傳有茶農因為所種植茶樹受到蟲害,但不甘損失,仍將受蟲咬的茶葉至城裡販賣,但因為風味特殊而生意大好,其回鄉後向他人提及此事,竟被說為在吹牛,從此之後便以膨風茶為名。

2. 據說戰後初期曾任新竹縣北埔鄉長的姜阿新,在日治時期參加茶展,因其風味特殊,所以當時台灣總督府以一擔(100斤)2000日圓的高價收購,此消息傳回被地方人士斥為膨風,後來經由報紙證實,膨風茶之名才傳遍千里,流傳至今。後又被文人雅士改稱為椪風茶。

3. 相傳百年前,英國的茶商將膨風茶上呈給英國維多利亞女王,因沖泡後茶湯橙紅明亮,色澤五彩相間且艷麗,品嘗後女王讚不絕口而賜名東方美人。

4. 早期膨風茶的毛茶運抵大稻埕茶棧,出口前需在「番庄館」再經過一道烘焙與揀茶的精製過程,故舊稱為番庄烏龍。





2010年4月14日 星期三

The History of Taiwan Tea

The tea consumed by the Taiwanese was first imported from mainland China—primarily from the provinces of southern Jiangsu and Fujian—during the Ming and Ching dynasties. At that time, the majority of Taiwan’s tea drinkers were people with wealth, power, or scholarly backgrounds. During the Japanese occupation, Uji tea began to be imported from Japan, adding influential and wealthy Japanese to the list of tea consumers in Taiwan. After Taiwan’s retrocession to the Republic of China, mainland teas were available on the market, making it a drink for the masses. However, during the early stages, local Taiwan teas were produced mainly for export purposes, and it was not until the 1970s that the tea market slowly began to be turned inward to meet local demand.

In 1906, during the Japanese occupation, black tea began to be exported alongside oolong and baozhong tea. At the same time, the Taiwan Governor’s Office began to assist private organizations, such as the Taiwan Tea Business-men’s Association, to introduce the beauty of Taiwan tea to the rest of the world through the establishment of teashops at international fairs. With the beautifully designed posters advertising Taiwan tea at those fairs, the elegant packaging of Taiwan tea products, and the refined and professional serving techniques of the salespeople, the global image of Taiwan tea was quickly elevated.

At the height of Taiwan’s tea exports, the private sector began to realize the importance of the domestic market. In 1973, the Taiwan Tea Promotion Team headed by Lin Fuquan began to advertise teas for domestic consumption, and the following year, the Taiwan Provincial Government’s Department of Agriculture and Forestry sponsored a provincial tea exhibition in Xindian. Through the collaboration of county governments in tea-producing areas, farmers’ associations, and the mass media, a stable foundation was created for promoting tea on the domestic market. On August 14, 1977, the Chinese Kung Fu Teahouse, the forerunner of Taiwan’s modern teahouses, was established. Before long, teahouses were sprouting up everywhere like bamboo shoots after a spring rain shower, and throughout the 1980s, these local teahouses slowly organized into associations devoted to the promotion of tea culture.

Under the joined efforts of the government, tea farmers’ associations, tea manufacturers’ associations, teahouse associations, teahouses, and tea scholars, domestic tea consumption was gradually transformed into a contemporary and flourishing artistic tea culture. On ordinary days, these organizations and individuals worked hard at their own respective jobs. However, when it came time to host a cultural activity on tea, they would divide the labor, cooperate with each other, and work together to portray an image of the art of Taiwan tea that fully demonstrated its elegance.


2010年4月7日 星期三





2010年3月25日 星期四






2010年1月21日 星期四

Connoisseur Taster Analysis

Tea quality is mainly estimated by sensory evaluation. In Chihsin, sensory evaluation of Tea is very important. There are handbooks written about tea quality judgement, but it does not mean that everyone can become a connoisseur only with them.

The partially fermented tea has its unique aroma and taste. It is the most important tea in Taiwan due to not only the production yield but also its popularity. Owning to diverse geographical environment and hard-working tea farmers with continuously improved tea-making techniques, Taiwan produces many special tea from light-fermented Wen-Shan Pouchung tea to heavy- fermented Bie-How (White-tip) Oolong tea. In between, there are named Tong-Ding Oolong tea, Song-Bo-Zhang-Qing tea, High-Mountain tea, Tieh- Kuan-Yin tea, etc. Because of the diversity of Taiwan special tea, to distinguish them and their quality analysis become a necessary for the quality inspection, grading or pricing. Sensory evaluation is a main method for the tea quality analysis.

In quantitative descriptive analyses, there including floral aroma, sweet aroma, roasted aroma, ripen-fruity aroma, dried-fruity aroma, yellowness, redness, brightness, astringency, bitterness, sweetness, sourness, smooth taste, sweet aftertaste, astringent aftertaste, salivated aftertaste and aroma aftertaste. It is found that Tong-Ding Oolong tea, Song-Bo-Zhang-Qing tea, Wen-Shan Pouchung tea and High-mountain tea were quite similar due to their similar intensity of aroma. On the other hand, Tieh- Kuan-Yin and Bai-hau Oolong tea were also similar. Only difference in that the former had strongly roasted aroma and the latter had special ripen-fruity aroma.
Chishin's consultant will discusses with customers to realize the need and goals, then use our expertise in sensory evaluation of tea to provide different flavor/types tea product for our customers.

Expert Tailored Products

Chihsin's tea product covers the full spectrum of teas from green, oolong, black tea, with a speciality in Taiwanese tea. The beauty of Taiwan tea resides in the tea flavor, with aesthetic standards set by the clearness of its coloring, the purity of its taste, and the elegance of its aroma. Whether it’s baozhong tea, dongding tea, pengfeng tea, tieguanyin tea, dragon well tea, or black tea, each type has its own unique characteristics.
We partner with the TTC in Taiwan, the fountainhead in Taiwan. Uses our cross-field expertise in tea & mass product to custom tailor the best product solution!

Market Trends Study

Tea is one of the oldest beverages in the world. The history of tea began in 2373 BC. Eventually, ready-to-drink (RTD) tea became a factor in beverage market in the late 1980s. It needs no preparation, and can be consumed immediately anywhere. RTD bottles and cans also enable tea to be distributed easily. Therefore, the products are widely available to consumers.

With so many tea varieties, flavors, sweetness levels, herbs, and additional ingredients, RTD tea manufacturers can come up with virtually unlimited combinations. The trend of RTD tea are consistent with the changing lifestyle in people. Depends on the different country, consumption groups (age, sex ... etc).

The market trend is easy to comprehend in Chishin. With long-term specialize in the tea beverage industry, we can gather and analyze the latest market information for our customers to creating a product that's sure of success.